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How a Simple Misdemeanor Can Ruin Your Day
Cars, clothes, perhaps a house are all on people’s minds as the “essentials” necessary for living, but a criminal attorney rarely on the list. But why? One does not have to be a hardened criminal or nefarious individual to see the merits
Do You Need a DUI Defense Attorney? Here’s What You Need to Know
If you’ve been arrested for a DUI, you may be wondering if you need to hire a criminal defense attorney. While having a DUI defense attorney on your side is always a good idea, here is what you need to know. The
Do I Really Need a Lawyer For My DUI Case?
During any given year, roughly 1.5 million people are arrested for drunk driving. But if you’ve been arrested for a DUI, particularly if it’s your first offense, you may be wondering whether or not you actually need help from a DUI lawyer.
What You Should Look for in a Criminal Defense Lawyer?
If you have been accused of criminal offenses, you are likely to face huge fines or a jail term if you do not have a good defense. To stand a chance of freedom, you need to have an excellent criminal defense lawyer
What to Do When Looking For A DUI Attorney in Knoxville
Drunk driving is one of the most common minor crimes in Knoxville despite spirited campaigns from several quarters discouraging it. It is also one of the reasons courts are jammed every day. If you are ever arrested for such an offense, your
2 Example Defenses DUI Attorneys Can Use in Tennessee
Tennessee’s DUI law, which appears at Tennessee Code section 55-10-401, is very broad. It prohibits driving on any roads, highways, streets, or public premises while under the influence of an intoxicant that “impairs the driver’s ability to safely operate a motor vehicle.”
What Do Criminal Defense Attorneys Do?
Most people have seen a television show or movie in which criminal defense attorneys bang on the table in court to defend the accused. However, criminal defense lawyers do more than argue for you in court. Here are five ways criminal defense
What to Expect During Your DUI Trial
Your DUI attorney is the best resource for any questions you have about your DUI trial. Each DUI case has unique circumstances. There is no one size fits all approach to defending a DUI. There are about 1.5 million people charged with
What is the Difference Between a Misdemeanor and a Felony?
In the United States, most states classify crimes into two categories. That is, a crime can either be a felony or a misdemeanor. Before you hire a criminal defense attorney, it’s important to understand the difference between them and how they relate
Criminal Lawyer: What You Should Know
Criminal law is a very broad area with many different facets. The sheer number of laws and regulations can be overwhelming, and the legal system’s complexity means that only an experienced lawyer can help you navigate the process. This article will explore
Face the Legal Consequences of a DUI with an Experienced DUI Attorney
Every year up to 1.5 million people get arrested for drunk driving. Have you been arrested under the suspicion of drunk or impaired driving? If so, you may be facing extremely serious consequences. DUI laws and penalties are very severe and complex
Why You Might Still Need a Criminal Attorney for a Marijuana Case
As of January 2020, 11 states have legalized recreational marijuana use which many legal and criminal experts regard as a good thing. Regardless of your personal opinion of marijuana, it is a drug that comes with benefits and hazards like alcohol or
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